Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Much needed day off... more or less

Sunday I was getting ready to leave church for the day when I noticed a man looking around for someone. He found her and started to hand back to her the copy of Breaking Dawn that he'd borrowed from her. I could not control myself. I accosted her unaware (she has no idea who I am because she's younger and I'm new), asking if I could borrow the book to read since I've been on the waiting list at the library for so long. She agreed but was probably perplexed at the least. I was excited beyond words.

I decided that I was going to take my day off, Monday, off. In fact, my plan was to stay in bed as much as possible and just read Breaking Dawn. I started the day that way, but when Joe called to tell me that he wasn't able to get into his school class for this quarter (bummer!) and that he was on his way home, I decided to get up, get dressed and ended up getting a little bit done.

I even made chicken Spanish rice bake (a spin on a healthy whole grain recipe I had tried before) for dinner, we looked on craigslist for different kittens available, and we started working on getting our digital pictures sent to a pharmacy where we could pick them up so we can finish our wedding and honeymoon photo albums.

I didn't finish Breaking Dawn, but I came pretty close. I have less than 100 pages left. The story has really changed, and I had seen some things coming before they did, but it'll be nice to finish out the series and not have to wonder what people are talking about or what is coming next.

So, since we're probably going to become "kitteh" parents tonight, I may not finish it right away, but I'm going to do so before Sunday so I can give the book (and maybe some cookies or something) to the bewildered girl I snaked it from.

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